Team Member Spotlight

Team Member Spotlight

Meet James Moore, Turf & Tree Specialist


As a life-long resident of Muncie, James Moore has a love for nature. For over 15 years he has been working in the Green Industry fulfilling numerous lawn care needs. As a Turf and Tree Specialist for Brooklawn Services, he has obtained 3A Ornamental Tree, 3B Turf, and 7A Structural Pest certifications. He lends his knowledge and experience to each client to ensure quality control measures and the highest service standards.


When James isn’t working, he loves all things sports. He loves watching and playing football, basketball, baseball, and even racing. He enjoys making memories with his family and friends. James brings the same passion he has for sports and family to his job every day. You may see him working on lawns in your neighborhood – come out and say “hello”!